Author: john.webber22

How to Make, Potato and Roast Garlic Soup

How to Make, Potato and Roast Garlic Soup

Potato and Roast Garlic Soup is a simple recipe, yet quite refined. Ideal as a starter for a dinner party or served in expresso cups as a pre-starter. Its rich, smooth consistency, offset by serving the soup with parsley pesto is always a winner!

How to make Perfect Mashed Potatoes-Pommes Puree.

How to make Perfect Mashed Potatoes-Pommes Puree.

One of life’s guilty pleasures has to be a bowl of hot mashed potato. And it is one of the most versatile products that we can use to create a great plate of food. They can be used to form a foundation for the presentation, provide a contrasting texture on the plate, and become ‘a vehicle of flavour’. That is, they become a method of adding a complimentary flavour to a plate. Such as horseradish mash with beef, or saffron mash with fish. In a similar way, they can absorb flavour on a plate such as the gravy of a stew or braise.

How to make Braised Oxtail, with Root Vegetables and Sage

How to make Braised Oxtail, with Root Vegetables and Sage

Braised Oxtail is my idea of heaven on a cold winter’s day. So, with the frost on the ground and minus five on the thermometer I decided the time was right to get cooking.

For me Braised Oxtail is the pinnacle of meat eating. Its not difficult to cook, but it does take a little time. If the idea of having the oven on for such a long cook, use a slow cooker to do most of the cooking. That leaves only the start and finishing to be done on the hob.

If you like meat, have a look at our Food Files page on British Beef Cuts for more exiting cut and joints to try.

Joints of Oxtail
Joints of Oxtail

You Will Need.

  • Heatproof spatula
  • Large, heavy casserole with lid
  • Chopping board and knife
  • Fine sauce strainer
  • Tongs
  • Shallow pan
  • Measuring jug

Braised Oxtail, with root vegetables and sage.

Serves 3-4

Braised Oxtail ingredients
Braised Oxtail ingredients

Oven Temperature 150c

  • 8- 9                              thick sections of Oxtail
  • 1tbsp                           sunflower oil
  • 150g                            onions (1 ½)
  • 170g                            carrots (2)
  • 2 small                         sticks of celery
  • 2tbsp                           tomato puree
  • 80ml                            passata
  • 3                                  cloves of Garlic
  • 350ml                          red Wine
  • 450ml                          beef Stock
  • 1                                  bay leaf
  • 2                                  sprigs Thyme
  • 2 x 8cm                       sticks of celery
  • 8cm long                     outer leaf of leek

Finishing Vegetables.

  • 3tbsp                           olive oil
  • 9                                  leaves of sage
  • 6                                  Chantenay carrots 
  • 3                                  Banana shallots
  • 8cubes                         Swede
  • 8 cubes                        Celeriac
  • 1tbsp                           chopped flat parsley.

Firstly, we start with the Finishing Vegetables.

Peel the shallots been careful not to remove the root. Remove the carrots tops then lightly scrape the skin. Peel the swede and celeriac and cut into 1.5cm cubes allowing roughly three per person. I used a melon baller on the swede just to improve the presentation.

Oxtail has such a meaty flavour it benefits from using lots of vegetables. To help things along we gently cook the finishing vegetables in the beef stock first, so all their flavour compliments the finished sauce.

Cook the vegetables in the stock until just tender, then strain keeping the stock. The sage leaves and parsley will be used later. Put the vegetables to one side for later use.

Making a Bouquet Garni.

This is an old but very convenient method of using herbs on the stem in a liquid and removing them without difficulty.

You will need a length of cotton butchers’ twine, DON’T use nylon string as it will affect the flavour of the sauce. You need two short lengths of celery, an outer leaf of leek cut the same length as the celery and the herbs you are using. For us its thyme and bay leaf.

Place the herbs into the depression in a stick of celery, then place the second stick of celery on top. Wrap this parcel using the leek then tie the whole thing together with the string.

Chefs often leave a long piece of string on the bouquet garni after tying. This can be left hanging or tied to the lid and make removal of the herbs easy.

Cooking the Braised Oxtail.

Peel the carrots for the braise and roughly cut into 3cm sections. Repeat that for the onions and give the garlic a bash to bruise it, but don’t peel it.

Put a large heavy casserole on to a high heat, and when hot add the oil into the pan and brown the oxtail on all sides. You may need to do this in two stages. When browned all over lift each section out onto a plate and when all the meat is browned add the vegetables without the garlic to the pan and brown well without burning. Tip the contents of the pan into a colander to allow any excess fat to drain off. Once drained return the vegetables to the pan and place back on the heat.

Adding the Tomato Puree.

Now it’s time to add the tomato puree. To get the best flavour for the puree and take away the raw taste we need to caramelise it. As the vegetables are frying, add the puree and mix into the vegetables. Keep stirring the pan keeping the red wine ready at hand and once the tomato puree and browned slightly add the wine. Remember, there is a difference between caramel and carbon!

Cooking the Braised Oxtail.

Tip the wine into the hot pan scraping the base of the pan with the spatula to lift the caramelised juices into the wine.

Add the stock the vegetables were cooked in and bring to the simmer. Add the bruised garlic, passata, and bouquet garni. Return the oxtail to the pan along with and juices sitting on the plate and return to the simmer.

You can now transfer the braise to a pre-heated slow cooker to cook for about 5 hours Alternatively over the surface of the meat firstly with a disc of paper then place a tight-fitting lid on the casserole and cook in the oven at 140-150c for roughly three hours.

Fishing the Braised Oxtail Sauce.

When the oxtail is cooked the meat should be tender and almost falling off the bone. When ready remove from the heat and let the contents cool a little.

Carefully lift the joints of meat out of the sauce then strain the liquid through a fine strainer, lightly pressing the vegetable to get every last drop of juices into the sauce. Discard the vegetables and leave the sauce to stand for 10 minutes.

Removing the fat.

Using a small ladle carful skim off any fat sitting on the surface of the sauce. If you don’t have a ladle small enough an old tablespoon bent at 90˚ works well.

Give the pan a wipe out with kitchen paper, then return the sauce to the pan and bring back to the simmer. Let the sauce reduce in volume to thicken tasting as you go. The tomato puree and passata will provide some natural thickening. If you need to thicken the sauce, further use a little diluted arrowroot. DON’T use cornflour, it will spoil the clarity and gloss of the sauce.

When you are happy with the taste and consistency of the sauce return the meat to the pan and keep warm.

Try This Trick.

Are struggling with a sauce or stock that has meat fat on it like a roast or braise?

Drop a couple of large ice cubes into the liquid. They need to be well above the level of the liquid so it may help to pour the liquid into a tray before adding the ice.

As you move the ice around the tray the fat will set and adhere to the ice, which can then be removed easily. Yes, a little water will dissolve into the sauce, but this is easily evaporated later by simmering.

To Serve the Braised Oxtail.

Heat a shallow pan and add 3 tbsp of olive oil and heat. Carefully fry the sage leaves in the oil, they will sizzle and bubble, becoming crisp. When crisp, lift each leaf out of the pan and drain on kitchen paper.

When all the leaves are fried remove 80% of the remaining oil from the pan. Take the finishing vegetables, and but the shallots in half longways through the root. Add the vegetable sot the hot pan and roast them in the hot sage oil.

When the vegetables are a nice golden-brown lift them out of the pan onto kitchen paper to drain well.

Take your serving dish and using a pair of tongs, lift the sections of hot oxtail on to the dish.

Strain the sauce one last time, then pour the finished sauce over the joints. Arrange the finishing vegetables around the meat and add the sage leaves. Sprinkle with the chopped parsley and serve with mashed potato and green vegetables. Make sure to check out our post on How to make Perfect Mashed Potatoes to get the very best partner to your oxtail.

Enjoy life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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© Copywrite, John Webber. 2024

How to make Ricciarelli Biscuits, an Italian Christmas Treat

How to make Ricciarelli Biscuits, an Italian Christmas Treat

These Italian delicate almond cookies with a melt in the mouth centre are usually enjoyed during Christmas time in Tuscany. Try them out as an alternative to or in addition to mince pies when entertaining guest over the holiday.

How to make Gratin Dauphinoise Potatoes

How to make Gratin Dauphinoise Potatoes

Gratin Dauphinoise Potatoes are an absolute classic crowd pleaser, and so versatile. The lusciously rich creamy potato with a boost of garlic is a great accompaniment to both red and white meats. Its easy to make and can be made ahead and reheated if needed. I’m going to show you the correct method for making the gratin, so forget what you may have had in the past and try these out.

How to make, Easy Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats

How to make, Easy Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats

This Easy, Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats breakfast is great. Fresh fruit, and oats. What’s not to like!

Go to our main Overnight Oats page for more information on this great breakfast option, and more great recipes.

I like to use a small food processor the mix the ingredients but if you don’t have one, don’t worry. The processor gives a slightly smoother texture, but you can mix everything in a small bowl using a fork to break it down.

We are using two types of oats. The rolled oats give the body, and the jumbo oats provide some extra texture.

Easy, Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats.

Makes enough for two people.

  • 70g                  rolled oats
  • 150ml              milk
  • 80g                  Greek yoghurt
  • ½                     ripe banana
  • 1tbs                  lemon juice
  • 1tsp                  ground flax seed
  • Pinch salt
  • 2tbs                  maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp                vanilla essence
  • 2tbs                  jumbo oats


Slice the banana and put into the processor with everything apart from the jumbo oats.

Pulse the machine to break everything down, but don’t overdo it. Leave some texture in the mixture. Stir in the jumbo oats then transfer to a storage jar and pop into the fridge overnight.

The mixture will keep in the fridge for two to three days, so it ideal to have on hand for a quick breakfast if you have a busy day.

To Serve Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats.

½                     banana, sliced

Handful           fresh blueberries

1tsp                  golden syrup

This is really quick to serve. Spoon the overnight oats into two glasses, place some sliced banana on the oats and scatter some blueberries on top. Drizzle the fruit with golden syrup then tuck in.


If you are planning a picnic split the mixture into two jars before refrigerating. You can then top the oats with fruit and syrup in the jars then secure the lid. A great portable treat!

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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©John Webber. 2023

How to make, Syrup and Spice Overnight Oats

How to make, Syrup and Spice Overnight Oats

Syrup and Spice Overnight Oats are simply breakfast comfort food. Childhood memories of steamed sponge pudding come flooding back when tucking into these oats.

How to Make Exotic, Tropical Overnight Oats

How to Make Exotic, Tropical Overnight Oats

These Tropical Overnight Oats are my favourite overnight oats recipe. I love the rich, smooth texture of the oats. Combined with the background of coconut and mango. The addition of passion fruit and Greek yoghurt on top give a sharp contrast.

How to make Delicious, Apple Crumble Overnight Oats

How to make Delicious, Apple Crumble Overnight Oats

These, Apple Crumble Overnight Oats make the perfect Autumn breakfast. Layers of apple compote, oats, yoghurt, and shortbread. What more could you want?

The apple compote is also great served with other breakfast cereals. So don’t worry if you have some left over. It wont be there for long!

Go to our main Overnight Oats page for more information on this great breakfast and more great recipes.

Apple Crumble Overnight Oats.

Apple crumble overnight oats, ingredients
Apple crumble overnight oats, ingredients

Enough for two people.

  • 70g                  rolled oats.
  • 1 ½ tsp            chia seeds
  • 200ml              milk
  • 60g                  Greek yoghurt
  • Dash                vanilla essence
  • 3tsp                 soft brown sugar
  • 1/8 tsp             cinnamon powder
Adding the flavourings to the milk and yoghurt

Mix the milk and yoghurt together in a 330g jar. Add the vanilla, chia seeds, sugar, and cinnamon.

Work in the oats and mix well

Mix well then fold in the oats, cover, and leave overnight in the fridge. The mixture will keep 2-3 days in the fridge so double up on the quantities if you wish.


Apple compote.

Apple compote ingredients
Apple compote ingredients
  • 1med               Bramley apple
  • 1                      Granny smith’s apple
  • 2tsp                  castor sugar
  •                         Juice of half a lemon
Sliced and diced apples
Sliced and diced apples

Peel the apples and cut out the core. Thinly slice the Bramley apple and place in a shallow pan. Cut the Granny Smith’s apple into 1cm dice and add to the pan. Pour the lemon juice over the apple and add the sugar.

The cooked apple compote
The cooked apple compote

Place a lid on the pan and cook over a low to medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes stirring from time to time. When the Bramley apple is broken down and the diced apple cooked through tip the contents of the pan into a small dish to cool.

To serve

  • 4                      shortbread finger biscuits
  • 4tbsp               Greek yoghurt

Place the shortbread into a small plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin or similar. Only break the biscuits down to a crumble like texture, don’t powder them.

Check the soaked oats and add a little more milk if needed. Take a suitable glass and fill with layers of oats, Apple compote, and Greek yoghurt.

Finished Apple crumble overnight oats
Finished Apple crumble overnight oats

Top the glass with the crushed biscuits, a dollop of yoghurt and apple then serve.

Enjoy life !


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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©John Webber. 2023

How to make, Mocha Overnight Oats.

How to make, Mocha Overnight Oats.

These Mocha Overnight Oats are packed with flavour. Rich peanut butter and Maple syrup are backed up with a kick of coffee to get your day started.

I like to serve the Mocha Overnight oats topped with a crunchy layer of muesli. Choose a variety with plenty interesting ingredients or add some more dried fruits if needed. We are looking for some texture and interest rather than adding more oats to our breakfast.

Make your own, Easy Overnight Oats, the perfect lazy breakfast.

Make your own, Easy Overnight Oats, the perfect lazy breakfast.

Super Easy Overnight oats, make the perfect lazy breakfast. Packed with goodness they are one of the most versatile breakfast options around. Very little, is any cooking is required and the simplest versions can be made in minutes.

Easy’ Thai Salmon Burger with picked cucumber and lime mayonnaise.

Easy’ Thai Salmon Burger with picked cucumber and lime mayonnaise.

This Easy Thai Salmon Burger brings all the flavours of the east, and marries them with the traditional burger, and a healthy one at that. We are using salmon instead of beef to produce a lighter version of a burger that is packed with flavour. This is based on a traditional Thai fishcake which would be made with white fish and bound with a little egg. I think salmon gives a nicer texture and does away with the need to add eggs to hold it together.

Don’t be put off by the length of this blog, each element of the burger is easy and quick to make.


A note on using Coriander.

Love it or hate it Coriander must be one of the most versatile herbs available. Because of the way the herb works in the mouth it acts as a flavour enhancer to lift the overall punch of a dish. How ever this reaction backfires in some people and produces a metallic sensation in the mouth. If you hate Coriander, leave it out. There is not a direct replacement for the herb, for this dish I would use some basil and bring up the seasoning a little.

Coriander is the only herb I can think of where the whole plant can be used. The roots and stems in curry pastes. The seeds used as a spice, and the leaves and stems as an herb. Yes, leaves and stems. DON’T pick off the leaves and throw the fine stems away, chop the two together and use as needed.

You will need.

  • Chopping board and knife.
  • Food processor.
  • Fine sieve
  • Measuring spoons
  • Frying pan
  • Pallet knife
  • Small saucepan
  • 2 medium bowls         
  • Small tray to hold the fishcakes.

Easy Thai Salmon Burger

Makes 4.

Thai Salmon Burger ingredients
Thai Salmon Burger ingredients

Firstly, make the burgers.

  • 300g cubed salmon fillet, (free of skin and bones)
  • The bottom 10cm of a lemon grass stalk, very finely shredded and outer leaves removed.
  • 1 ½   green chillies
  • 2 tsp Thai fish sauce
  • Zest only of 1 lime
  • handful of fresh coriander including stalks
  • some plain flour for dusting fishcakes
  • sunflower oil for frying
  • To serve.
  • 4 brioche burger buns
  • Shredded little gem lettuce to serve

Making the flavour base.

Making the flavour base
Making the flavour base

Into the food processor place the very finely chopped lemon grass and coriander. Remove the stalks and seeds of the chilli, add to the processor then zest the lime over the top. Don’t use the juice but keep the fruit handy for later.

Put the lid on the machine and using the pulse control, chop the contents down to almost a puree. You may need to scrape down the sides of the bowl from time to time so nothing gets missed. Its important all the flavourings are well broken down, if you’re not sure run the machine a little longer.

Adding the salmon.

Adding a quarter of the salmon
Adding a quarter of the salmon

Add a quarter of the salmon and pulse the machine again. When the fish is broken down add the remainder of the salmon then very briefly pulse the fish checking the constancy after each pulse.

Finished Thai Salmon Burger mix
Finished Thai Salmon Burger mix

The aim is to have chopped salmon that just starts to stick together. Pieces about 5mm are ideal which will be bound together by the flavourings and the fish added earlier. Add the fish sauce and give one very quick pulse to work it in.

Forming the burgers.

Portion into 4, and form fishcakes
Portion into 4, and form fishcakes

Cover the chopping board with cling film, then tip the burger mix out onto the board. Divide the mixture into four and form into burgers approximately 3cm in thickness.

Tossing the burgers in flour
Tossing the burgers in flour

Roll the burgers in flour then place into the fridge to firm up.

For the Pickled Cucumber.

  • 1 cucumber sliced longways 3mm thick (skin
  • 4 finely sliced spring onions (white only)
  • ½ tsp chopped coriander
  •  Table salt to cure the cucumber
Cutting strips of cucumber
Cutting strips of cucumber

Take the cucumber and cut slices longways down the cucumber about 3mm thick. Place the slices into a small bowl and sprinkle with salt, then leave to stand for 15 minutes.

The pickling mix.

  • 8 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 2tblspn water
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • 5 coriander seeds
  • Pinch dried chilli flakes
  • 1 star anise
  • 3tsp castor sugar
Pickling vinegar
Pickling vinegar

To make the pickle place all the ingredients into a small sauce pan and bring to the simmer. Give the pan a swirl to dissolve the sugar then remove from the heat and let cool.

Finishing the pickle.

Rinse the cucumber under running water to remove the salt, then dry well on kitchen paper.

Return the cucumber to the washed bowl and add the spring onion. Pour the cooled pickle over the vegetables and toss in the juices. Keep the coriander back for later use.

Making the Lime Mayonnaise

  • 100g readymade mayonnaise
  • Zest and juice of ½ a lime
  • 6 good leaves of basil
  • ½ crushed garlic clove
  • Pinch salt
Lime and Basil mayonnaise ingredients
Lime and Basil mayonnaise ingredients

Roughly chop ½ a clove of garlic, then crush using the salt. Pour the mayonnaise into a bowl and work in the crushed garlic, zest, and juice of half a lime. Mix well and set aside keeping the basil for later.

Cooking and serving the Thai Salmon Burger.

Take the burgers from the fridge and dush with a little more flour if the surface has become damp. Place a pan over a medium heat and add a touch of oil to the pan. Don’t overdo the oil, too much will dissolve the edges of the burger. When the oil is hot add the burgers and leave to cook over a medium heat.

Frying the Thai Salmon Burger in oil
Frying the Thai Salmon Burger in oil

Try not to disturb the burgers as they cook so a good golden crust can form in the pan. Cook on the first side for two minutes. Then carefully turn the burgers over, again leaving them to cook undisturbed for another couple of minutes. The burgers are best served slightly underdone, but if you like them cooked though, allow and extra minute cooking on each side.

When ready lift the burgers out onto a warm plate and sprinkle with some lime juice from the leftover fruit. Keep warm.

Lightly toast the brioche buns and add the coriander to the cucumber, and the basil to the mayonnaise.

Assembling the Thai Salmon Burger.

Drop a dollop of mayo onto the toasted base of the brioche buns then add some slices little gem lettuce. Set the warm burger on top of the lettuce draping some of the pickled cucumber on top. Add another small dollop of mayo followed by the toasted lid of the bun.

The assembled Thai Salmon Burger
The assembled Thai Salmon Burger

Secure the whole thing with a burger skewer and serve with the remaining cucumber and mayonnaise on the side.

Still Not Sure?

This video will guide you through the process.


My fishcakes have rough, tough pieces through them, Why?

Ether, you have not removed the tough outer leaves of the lemongrass. Or the flavouring paste was not pureed enough – or both. Once the fish is added to the machine its impossible to break down the flavourings without spoiling the fish.

Can I cook this on the barbeque?

If you have a flat griddle plate on your barbeque, they should cook without too much bother. Make sure the plate is not too hot or the flour coating will burn. Brush some oil onto the hot griddle plate before adding the burgers to avoid sticking. Both the cucumber and mayo are ideal for a barbeque as well.

Enjoy Life !


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

Simple, Duck Confit with Lentils, Bacon, and Chestnuts.

Simple, Duck Confit with Lentils, Bacon, and Chestnuts.

This simple Duck Confit is both rustic and refined. The process of curing and cooking the meat in fat produces a flavour unobtainable buy any other method. And I love it! I’m serving the confit with a Lentil, Bacon, and Chestnuts Stew, a great winter warmer.

Irresistibly Easy, Chocolate Custard Cookies

Irresistibly Easy, Chocolate Custard Cookies

These Chocolate Custard Cookies are so easy to make, which is a good job as they don’t last long when people start tucking in. They are great just served as a cookie adults and children both love them.