Indulgent, Chocolate Brownies, easy to make, easier to eat.

Indulgent, Chocolate Brownies, easy to make, easier to eat.

Who doesn’t like chocolate? Well not me, I think i’m addicted. These Chocolate Brownies never fail to please and rarely are there any leftovers. Like any cooking, use cook quality ingredients to get the best results. I’ve used 70% cocoa solids chocolate, unsalted butter, and quality cocoa powder. Don’t use drinking chocolate, it’s not the same. They do freeze, if you can resist……

Makes 9-12 Chocolate Brownies.

Oven temperature 190˚c – 175˚c fan.

chocolate brownies, ingredients
chocolate brownies, ingredients

100g                            unsalted butter (plus extra for greasing)

85g                              dark plain chocolate (70% cocoa solids)

4                                  large eggs

dash                            vanilla essence

350g                            golden caster sugar

120g                            plain white flour

30g                              cocoa powder

120g                            dark chocolate drops

100g                            walnuts, chopped

You will need-

A 20 x 24cm shallow baking tin

Baking parchment

Saucepan with a heatproof bowl


Hand Whisk

Flour sieve


Chopping board and knife

Cooling wire

Getting organised

Fill the saucepan about ¼ full of water and place over a low heat. You will need a heatproof bowl (Pyrex is ideal) that will sit in the pan without the base of the bowl sitting in the water.

Melting chocolate and butter
Melting chocolate and butter

 Dice up the butter and pop it into the bowl along with the 85g of chocolate. It’s important that the water doesn’t boil and overheat the chocolate, or it will become grainy.

The lined baking tin 20 x 25cm
The lined baking tin 20 x 25cm

While the chocolate is melting lightly grease the baking tin and line with baking parchment. The lining needs to come up the sides of the tin to avoid the mixture seeping underneath.

When the chocolate and butter have melted remove the bowl from the pan and place to one side.

Crack the eggs into the jug and add the vanilla essence then whisk to lightly aerate the eggs

We are now ready to finish the brownies.

Adding beaten eggs to chocolate
Adding beaten eggs to chocolate

Fold the beaten eggs into the melted chocolate with the spatula, followed by the sugar.

Adding the sugar
Adding the sugar

Sift the flour and cocoa powder into the chocolate mixture and fold in Finally fold in the chocolate chips and walnuts and you’re ready to go.

adding walnuts and chocolate drops
adding walnuts and chocolate drops

Transfer the mixture into the lined tin scraping the sides of the bowl with the spatula. Level off the surface and pop the tin into the oven

The finished brownie batter
The finished brownie batter

Baking the brownies

Baking will take between 25 and 35 minutes depending on your oven and how firm you like your brownies.

To see if they are cooked, pierce the centre with a metal skewer, it should be set but still quite moist. If you like them cakier, cook for another 10 minutes.

The baked chocolate brownies
The baked chocolate brownies

If you have a probe thermometer aim for a 85˚c core temperature for a soft centre.

When ready place the tin on a cooling wire and leave to cool in the tin.

Chocolate brownies
Chocolate brownies

When completely cooled down, carefully remove from the tin and cut into portions. I cut into three on the narrow edge and ether three or four on the long side depending on hunger.

To serve as a dessert gently warm the brownies. Don’t microwave them, it makes them tough.Serve with ice cream of crème fraiche.


The walnuts can be omitted from the recipe if you wish. Add another 40g of chocolate drops in place of the walnuts for the most chocolaty, gooey brownies possible.

Enjoy Life !


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

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©John Webber. 2023