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Easy to Make Thai Chicken and Prawn Soup.

Easy to Make Thai Chicken and Prawn Soup.

This Thai Chicken and Prawn Soup for me sums up the joy of Thai cooking. Been both fresh and light yet with plenty of substance in the flavour department.  

Make your own Exotic Flavoured Gin at Home.

Make your own Exotic Flavoured Gin at Home.

If you are a lover of long cool drinks, then this is for you. They are easy to make and all you really need is some space to store the gin while it is steeping and the patience not to get stuck in too quickly. I always fill hold of some 250ml bottles to use as Christmas presents, always welcome gifts.

Want to be Baking your own Bread? Your Questions Answered.

Want to be Baking your own Bread? Your Questions Answered.

Baking your own Bread at home can be a puzzle, let us help you answer your questions.

How warm is ‘warm water’?

If you’re not sure how warm your water should be, here’s a simple baker’s trick.

Take the temperature you want your dough to be, let’s say 26˚c then double it, that’s 52˚c.

Take the temperature of the flour you are using. Let’s say it’s been in the larder and is only 18˚c.

Take that from the target temperature, and that’s the water temperature you need- 52˚c-18˚c =34˚c.

Help! my dough is sticky and sticks to my hands.

The dough should be sticky when you first start to knead. Use a little flour on your hands and table but don’t try to work flour into the dough. Too dry a dough will be tough. Keep kneading and the gluten will begin to from together and the dough will come away to form a ball and take on a silky finish.

What’s the best way of handling a rye flour dough?

Struggling to work with rye flour? It can be extremely rewarding to bake, and very good for you. The problem is that it can be very gooey and tricky to work with.

A simple solution to this is to wet your equipment and hands with cold water. Then as you handle the dough the moisture will allow it to slide off.

What is Proving?

Proving is allowing the yeast in the dough to feed on the carbohydrates in the flour. This in turn allows the yeast to multiply. As the yeast feeds it produces carbon dioxide witch form bubbles in the dough and gives the bread its light texture.

Why do I need to prove my bread dough twice?

The first proving of the dough allows the yeast to establish itself in the dough and multiply. This also gives time for the gluten in the flour to develop.

We then form the dough into the required shape

The second prove after shaping gives the yeast access to more food. The now multiplied cells can produce lots of gas to push the dough outwards. This gives us a lighter loaf with a good crumb.

Why is my dough very slow to prove?

Rich doughs like buns have a lot of fat and sugar in the dough. This will slow the progress of the yeast. That’s perfectly normal, using fast action yeast will speed things up a little.

If your dry goods are stored in a cool larder let them come up to room temperature before mixing. If your flour is very cold use slightly warmer water to mix.

What’s the best way to prove my dough?

When proving the dough for the first time or proving the final produce place the tray in a bag (bin bags are great). Throw up the open end of the bag to catch some air then tuck the open end under the tray. This will form a tent of trapped air making the bread prove evenly and stop the bread forming a skin.

How do I get a better crust on my breads?

To get the best crust and finish on your bread it needs to begin cooking in moist heat. Place a shallow tray in the bottom of the oven as it is heating up and when you place the bread in the oven throw a few ice cubes into the tray below. The ice will melt then form steam and help the crust form

How do I know if my bread is ready?

This is the traditional method of checking if your bread is ready. After the recommended cooking time lift the bread using a tea towel or oven cloth. Tap the base of the bread and listen. The cooked bread should make a hollow sound. If the sound is a dull thud the centre is still wet and unrisen.

The second option is to use a probe thermometer. Lighter breads like Focaccia should be between 83˚c – 91˚c in the centre. Heaver rich breads should be between 88˚c – 91˚c in the centre.

Yeast.  – Also look up What is Yeast? In the Food Files..

fresh and dried yeast
fresh and dried yeast

What’s the best way of storing yeast?

Storing dried yeast in the freezer will help it retain its power. Fresh yeast can also be frozen for a short time in an emergency. Add just a little more to the recipe to make up for the damage freezing will do.

How do I convert using dried yeast to fresh in a recipe?

When using dried yeast where the recipe stipulates fresh use half the weight. If using fresh in place of dried use double the weight.

Dried Yeast is normally sold in a small tin and needs to be mixed with water before use. DO NOT add it directly into the flour as it will not dissolve in the dough. Works fine, I would always recommend making a ferment to make sure the yeast is properly dissolved.

Fast Action Yeast is in the one you buy in the little tin foil pouches. Originally developed for bread making machines this is a finer grain. This means it will dissolve in a dough without pre-mixing with water. The ‘Fast Action part is because vitamin C has been added to the yeast to supercharge it and help the machine produce a lighter loaf.

My yeast doesn’t work, what’s wrong?

It could be that your yeast is just too old and dead. Always check the use by date on the packaging before use. You may be using water that is too hot, blood heat water is ideal for use with yeast.

Never expose yeast to concentrations of fat, salt, or sugar they will kill the yeast. Be sure to separate them in the mixing of the dough.


Pile of four on work surface.
Pile of four on work surface.

What is Flour?

Well, what is flour? A type of flour can be made from many grains, beans, nuts, roots, or seeds.  As long as they have enough starch content to allow us to grind them into flour.

Most of the time we are talking about wheat flour but there are many other options out there. For example, rye, spelt, cassava, arrowroot, corn, rice, chickpeas, potato, and nuts.

What is Bread Flour?

Bread flour also known as strong flour is made from wheat with a high protein content. Its these proteins that form gluten when moistened and kneaded. Other flours like a plain pastry flour have a lower protein content.

I don’t have bread flour; can I just use plain flour instead?

You can make some flatbreads using plain flour but as the name indicates they will be flat.

Don’t try to exchange bread (strong) flour for plain (soft) flour in a recipe. The larger amount of gluten in the bread flour will allow the dough to rise correctly.

My wholemeal bread is very heavy, can I lighten my wholemeal flour?

Yes, substitute up to 20% of the flour with strong white flour. This will make the dough lighter and easier to work. Depending on the flour you may need to reduce the liquid content slightly

Baking Better Bread
Baked Bread

I hope all that helps check out The Fundamentals of Making Bread at Home for even more hints and tips.

Enjoy life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

8, Easy Summertime Fruit Drinks for all the family

8, Easy Summertime Fruit Drinks for all the family

8 Easy Summertime Fruit Drinks for all the family. If you are having a barbeque or just lying back enjoying the summer sun, there is nothing better than having a long cool drink on hand.

How to Make, Raspberry Slush Cooler

How to Make, Raspberry Slush Cooler

Halfway between a drink and a slush this Raspberry Cooler is a hit with children and adults alike.

In fact, you can serve it both ways at once. Spoon the sieved base into small containers as a raspberry slush for the children. Then simply dilute the rest of the slush into drinks for the adults.

How to Make, Elderflower, Apple and Mint Fizz.

How to Make, Elderflower, Apple and Mint Fizz.

Elderflower, Apple, and Mint Fizz.

This delicious Elderflower, Apple, and Mint Fizz is the easiest of all our summertime drink recipes. No special equipment needed and only takes a couple of minutes to make. So, it’s a great standby if friends turn up unexpectedly and need a quick cooling drink.

Don’t forget to look up our home page on Easy Summertime Coolers for more summertime drinks.

Elderflower Cordial.

The elderflower cordial may be the only ingredient you don’t already have. The good news is that its easy to find with most supermarkets having it available. If you have never tried it, I would recommend you give it a try. Its more versatile than you think and can be used in baking, salad dressings and of course cocktails. Try a fruit salad of chilled melon sprinkled with the cordial – fantastic.

You will need.

  • Chopping board and knife
  • Mixing jug
  • Suitable stirrer

Elderflower, Apple, and Mint Fizz.

Makes 1.2lt

Elderflower, Apple, and Mint Fizz
  • 70ml               elderflower cordial
  • 500ml             apple juice
  • 1                     Granny smith’s apple, sliced.
  • 2tsp                lemon juice
  • 6 – 8               mint leaves
  • 600ml             sparkling mineral water

Pick the mint leaves and roll each one in your fingers. You don’t want to crush them, just lightly bruise the leaves. This will release some of the flavour without been too strong.

sliced apple and mint leaves
sliced apple and mint leaves

Wash and thinly slice the flesh off the apple working around the core Pop the sliced apple and mint leaves into a jug and pour the apple juice over the top.

Add the elderflower cordial, and lemon juice then mix well. Top up the jug with the sparkling mineral water and ice cubes.

Elderflower, Apple and Mint Fizz
Elderflower, Apple and Mint Fizz

Serve as cold as possible in chilled glasses with some of the apple slices and mint.

Enjoy Life !


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

How to Make, Classic Fruity Iced Tea.

How to Make, Classic Fruity Iced Tea.

Classic Fruity Iced Tea, the flavour of tea with a hint of citrus to cool you down. The infusion is made the day before, then allowed to chill overnight.

How to Make, Coconut And Pineapple Cooler, Quick, And Refreshing.

How to Make, Coconut And Pineapple Cooler, Quick, And Refreshing.

This Coconut and Pineapple Cooler works in a similar way to our Creamy Mango Milkshake. The sharpness of the Pineapple and lime is offset with the richness of the coconut milk and sweetness of the syrup.

How to make Chilled Watermelon Lemonade.

How to make Chilled Watermelon Lemonade.

Drinking Chilled Watermelon Lemonade brings back memories of sitting back in the sun, eating chilled watermelon slices.

As with most of these cooler recipes the base can be made in advance and finished later. We are adding soda water and stock syrup to the watermelon juice to add sweetness and fizz. If that’s not to your liking, try using a good quality lemonade to mix with the watermelon juice.

And don’t forget to look up our home page on Easy Summertime Coolers for more summertime drinks.

You will need –

  • Blender, ether jug or hand type will do.
  • Med Pyrex bowl
  • Fine sieve
  • Small ladle
  • Liquid measure
Chilled Watermelon lemonade
Getting ready for blending

Chilled Watermelon lemonade.

Makes about 750ml.

  • ½            medium watermelon
  • juice of 2 limes, roughly 50ml
  • juice of 2 lemons roughly 65ml

To mix the lemonade.

                        soda water

                        stock syrup

To serve.

  • fresh mint leaves
  • thinly sliced orange
  • thinly sliced lemon
  • Ice cubes

Making the Watermelon juice.

Peel the watermelon keeping some long strips of peel to use as a glass stirrer. Cut the flesh into pieces and pop into the blender. Don’t worry about the seeds as we can remove them later. If you don’t have a jug blender, the stick version will work fine. Puree the fruit in the blender using the pulse control. Don’t over blend the fruit at full speed or the seeds will be crushed and make the juice bitter.

Now Sieve the juice.

Pass the juice though the fine sieve into a Pyrex bowl. The best way to do this is to rub the juices through the sieve using the back of a small ladle. You will be surprised how well this works, leaving only the seeds and some watermelon fibre behind.

Sieving the blended watermelon
Sieving the blended watermelon

The watermelon juice can be kept in the fridge for up to three days or frozen.

To finish the drink.

Chilled Watermelon lemonade

Take a mixing jug and add 1 part of stock syrup to two parts of watermelon juice. Mix in 1-part chilled soda water and stir together, i.e., 100ml syrup, 200ml watermelon juice, 100ml soda water.

Add some ice cubes to a tall glass and drop in a couple of slices of orange and lemon. Tear of chop two or three leaves of mint, add them to the glass and fill the glass with the cooler. Decorate with some fruit and a stick of watermelon peel then serve.

Enjoy Life !


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

Cooldown, with an Easy Creamy Mango Milkshake.

Cooldown, with an Easy Creamy Mango Milkshake.

This Easy Creamy Mango Milkshake is a guaranteed hit with the kids, and who doesn’t like a milkshake?

How to Make, Lemon Barley Water, a Summertime Classic

How to Make, Lemon Barley Water, a Summertime Classic

This easy Lemon Barley Water is a British classic and a must for any outdoor event. This is not difficult to make but takes a little time to infuse and chill. Make it the day before to let it get as cold as possible before use. Once you have tasted the real thing, you will never go back to shop-bought cordial again.

How to Make, A Family Citrus Peach Cooler.

How to Make, A Family Citrus Peach Cooler.

This Easy, Family Citrus Peach Cooler takes just a few minutes to make using ingredients you may already have in the house. Making the base ahead of time speeds up the process of serving everybody and keeps everything as cold as possible.

Using tinned peaches makes the whole recipe quite simple. But if you have fresh peaches you need to use its np problem. Wash the fruit and remove the stones, then chop them up a little. follow the recipe for the blending adding in a tablespoon of Stock Syrup for each peach. One the fruit is blended pass the puree through a fine sieve to remove any traces of skin.

And don’t forget to look up our home page on Easy Summertime Coolers for more ideas for summertime drinks.

You will need-

  • Blender
  • Chopping board and knife
  • Mixing jug

Family Citrus Peach Cooler.

Makes about 1 – 1.2lt

The base.

  • juice of 1 lemon
  •                         juice of 1 lime
  • 1 tin                sliced peaches in juice (415g)

To finish the cooler.

  • 1                      lime, thinly sliced
  • 1                      lemon, thinly sliced
  •                         Lemonade
  •                         fresh orange juice
  •                         mint leaves
  •                         Strawberries

Making the base of the cooler.

Peaches ready for blending
Peaches ready for blending

Open the tin of peach slices and tip the whole contents into the blender. Add the lemon and lime juice and blend to a smooth sauce. If the sauce has any stubborn lumps pass the sauce though a fine sieve. This should make about 400ml of base.

The finished peach base
The finished peach base

Store the sauce on a sealed jar in the fridge, (it should keep about four days) or freeze in large ice cubes ready for use when needed.


To serve the cooler, mix equal quantities of the peach base with lemonade and fresh orange juice. Add some thin slices of lime and lemon, add a handful of ice, and stir well.

Serve as cold as possible garnished with fruit slices, mint, and strawberries.


Try the recipe with other tinned fruits like pears or apricots.

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

Make Your Own Pork and Duck Rillettes at Home

Make Your Own Pork and Duck Rillettes at Home

Rillettes are a type of coarse French potted meat. The meats are cooked long and slow then broken down, almost like pulled pork. Don’t expect a nice smooth pateˊ this is a meat eaters paradise. Served with toasted sourdough bread and ideal taken on a picnic.

Make Your Own Amazing Buttermilk Bread Rolls

Make Your Own Amazing Buttermilk Bread Rolls

These Buttermilk Bread Rolls will really impress your dinner party guests. They go well with most starters that don’t require crispy rolls served alongside.