Quick and Easy, Ricotta Hotcakes.

Quick and Easy, Ricotta Hotcakes.

With Honey Butter and berry fruits.

These Breakfast Ricotta Hotcakes are great served in the morning along with preserves or alongside a cooked breakfast. Neutral in sweetness, light and airy they also can be used as a pre-dinner canape topped with smoked salmon and lime cream. Similar to a Scottish pancake

Today I’ve served them with honey butter and fresh berries as a light breakfast dish.

You will need: –

Two medium mixing bowls

Two whisks

Small bowl

Non stick frying pan or griddle pan


Pallet knife or fish slice

A4 sized piece of greaseproof paper.

Tea towel

Honey butter.

80g                                          unsalted butter – soft

Small pinch                             salt

4tbsp                                       good honey

Ricotta Hotcakes.

Makes 7

ricotta hotcakes ingredients
ricotta hotcakes ingredients

110g                                        Riccota

95g                                          milk

80g                                          plain Flour

2                                              eggs (separated)

¾ tsp                                       baking Powder

Pinch                                       salt

Firstly, make the honey butter.

adding honey to butter
adding honey to butter

Beat the soft butter in a small bowl until smooth. Add the salt then work in the honey in two or three batches. Spoon the butter on to the greaseproof paper about 7cm from the top of the sheet in the centre. Fold the top of the paper towards you squeezing the butter outwards. Continue pulling the sheet down to form a tube of butter about 3cm in diameter. Then put the whole thing in the fridge to firm up. If you wish the butter can be made well ahead of time and stored in the freezer for up to three months.

For the hotcakes.

Separate the eggs, placing the whites in one bowl and the yolks in the other.

the wet mix
the wet mix

Whisk the ricotta, egg yolks and milk together until the mixture is combined. Don’t worry if the mix looks slightly lumpy, that just the texture of the cheese.

adding flour to wet mix
adding flour to wet mix

Sift the baking powder and salt into the flour then add the dry ingredients into the cheese mix until just combined.

soft peak egg whites
soft peak egg whites

Using a clean whisk beat the egg whites to soft peaks then fold them into the cheese and flour mix. Don’t over mix when adding the whites. A few traces of egg white left in the batter are fine.

To cook the hotcakes.

cooking on griddle with butter
cooking on griddle with butter

Place a little butter onto a griddle plate or frying pan hot pan over a medium heat (the butter should sizzle on contact but not burn) then spoon 2 tablespoons of mixture into the pan to form a cake about 10cm in diameter.

cooked ricotta hotcake
cooked ricotta hotcake

Cook the hotcake for three to four minutes on one side (you should see bubbles rise to the surface) then turn the hotcake over with a spatula and cook for two minutes on the second side.

Place the cooked cakes between a folded tea towel until you have all the batter cooked.

To serve.

ricotta hotcakes

Stack up the warm hotcakes and top with two or three slices of honey butter. Let the butter melt and oose down the sides of the hotcakes, then scatter with berry fruits.

Alternatively serve as part of a cooked breakfast, they are fantastic with bacon and eggs in place of toast.

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

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©John Webber. 2023