Tag: home made

How to Make Sweet Pickled Cucumber, No Cooking Required

How to Make Sweet Pickled Cucumber, No Cooking Required

Making Sweet Pickled Cucumber is a great way of using up excess cucumber and giving a rather bland food an enticing lift. I decided to have a go at growing cucumbers this year. And I quickly discovered that they had teamed up with the courgettes 

How to Make Cheese, Bacon, and Red Onion Muffins.

How to Make Cheese, Bacon, and Red Onion Muffins.

Cheese, Bacon, and Red Onion Muffins are great served as finger food or taken on a picnic. In fact, they are great all year round and are one of my regular contributions to village social events.

Muffins are easy to make, and once you have mastered the basics there is a wealth of ingredients that can be added, both sweet and savoury. Let me take you through the process, and lets get baking!

Easy Scottish Venison Meatballs, with Whisky and Mushrooms.

Easy Scottish Venison Meatballs, with Whisky and Mushrooms.

These Scottish Venison Meatballs are so easy to make, and so much better that the shop-bought versions. To go with them I’m making a mushroom and whisky sauce to toss through buttered Tagliatelle.  The dish uses ingredients abundant in the Scottish countryside, perfect for autumntime when a variety of wild mushrooms are available to use.

Of course, it’s great to make at any time of year. And you can change the mushrooms you use according to what’s available to you. If you are making this out of season (as I am) I would recommend you always add the dried morels into the mix.

If the idea of gathering your own dinner attracts you, great. But DON’T just go off and pick whatever takes you fancy, get some tuition first.

Mushroom gathering.

Wild mushrooms
Wild mushrooms

Picking wild mushrooms needs care and experience. A few taste wonderful, a few are ok, and some are extremely dangerous. Before you head out on your own go on a tutored course and ideally have an experience friend with you for the first few trips out. And the golden rule – if you’re not sure, don’t touch it!

If you are keen to learn on how to forage for wild mushrooms, there is a great guide available HERE.

Scottish Venison, one of the best meats to eat.

Don’t be put off this recipe thinking the venison will be strong and earthy, not a bit of it. Been classified as game gives people an image the meat will have an overpowering flavour.

In fact, the meat has flavour, but it’s a more delicate herbaceous, almost nutty flavour. that marries will with red wine, fruits, and mushrooms.

Venison is also one of the heathiest meats to eat. Venison has less intermuscular fat that beef and because of this has less calories wight for weigh. It is high in omega 3 and nutrients and of course in one of few totally natural meats available to us. You can of course also get reared venison, and if you are looking for a more tender cut to sauté or roast it’s a very good product.

Its all about the fat.

The one drawback of venison for a chef is the fat, its quite unpleasant. Because of this if fat is needed in the preparation, beef or pork fat would be added.

To make our meatballs we are adding belly pork to the mix. This will do two things, lighten the mixture, and add in some fat which will improve the texture and flavour in the mouth. It’s quite common in Italy for a cocktail of meats to be used when making meatballs. Most commonly, beef, pork, and gammon.

Venison Meatballs Mix.

Scottish Venison Meatballs - ingredients
Scottish Venison Meatballs – ingredients
  • 400 g              minced venison
    250g               minced Pork belly
  • 1 slice             stale bread (without crusts)
  • 80ml               milk
  • 85g                 finely chopped, red onion
  • 1tbsp              olive oil
    1                     clove of garlic
  • 1/8tsp             ground cinnamon
  • 1/4tsp             fennel seeds
  • 1                     egg yolk
    1 tbsp             flat parsley (finely chopped)
    ¼ tsp              salt
  • black mill pepper
  • plain flour to dust the meatballs
  • olive oil

The sauce.

Mushroom and Whisky sauce - ingredients
Mushroom and Whisky sauce – ingredients
  • 30g                 unsalted butter
    120g               mixed mushrooms, chestnut, king oyster, shiitake chanterelles, ceps.
  • 12g                 dried Morels
    35ml               blended whisky
    120l                beef stock
    80ml               double cream

To serve.

  • Buttered Tagliatelle
  • Chopped parsley
  • Shavings of Parmesan cheese

Preparation, for the Venison Meatballs.

First of all, we need to cook the onion, so many recipes add raw onion into the meat mixture. That should never happen! Peel and finely chop the onion, pop it into a shallow pan and add the 1tbsp of olive oil. Using a mortar and pestle break up the fennel seeds then add them to the pan.

Cooking red onions
Cooking red onions

Gently cook the onion in the oil without letting it colour then scrape all the onion our of the pan into a bowl, and let it cool completely. In a second smaller bowl soak the sliced bread in milk until soft.

Soaking dried Morels
Soaking dried Morels

If you are using the dried Morels, place them in a small container and cover them with boiling water. Put them to one side to use later.

Mixing the meats

Scottish Venison Meatballs mixture
Scottish Venison Meatballs mixture

Mix the meats together in a large bowl and add the salt and cinnamon. Finely grate the clove of garlic into the bowl and add the cooled, cooked onion.

Lift the bread from the milk, squeeze it out to form a soft ball and add to the meat with the parsley, and egg yolk. Mix to make a smooth mixture then form the mix into balls of roughly 30g. you should make 24 meatballs from the recipe.

Rolling meatballs in flour
Rolling meatballs in flour

Dust the meat balls in flour and place in a tray until all the mixture is used.

Cooking the venison Meatballs.

Heat a shallow pan on the hob and add the 60ml of olive oil. Check the oil is hot by placing a meatball in the pan, if it sizzles in the oil add more meatballs but don’t over crowd the pan. The oil needs to be hot but not smoking, we want to cook the meatballs with a golden-brown crust but without burning the meat. If you can’t get all the meatballs in at once do the cooking in two batches.

Scottish Venison Meatballs
Scottish Venison Meatballs

As the meat balls are ready remove them and drain well on a tray lined with absorbent paper.

If you don’t want to serve the meatballs straight away, let them cool completely, then cover them and store in the fridge. Do this in the morning, then all you have to do is re-heat the meatballs in the oven while you make the sauce and cook the pasta, easy!

Making the Sauce for the Venison Meatballs.

Use the same pan the meatballs were cooked in. Drain off the excess cooking oil and put the pan over a medium heat.

Cooking mushrooms in butter
Cooking mushrooms in butter

Add the butter to the pan closely followed by the fresh mushrooms then let them sauté in the for three to four minutes. Now we are ready for the whisky.

Going up in flames.

WARNING! When the whisky hits the pan on the hob there is a likelihood that the alcohol will burst into flames! This should not be a problem as long as you are prepared and expecting it.

If you are cooking on a gas hob its almost certain the alcohol will ignite. It may look good on television, but not such a good idea at home.

Insure there are no flammable materials anywhere close to where you are cooking, and your hob extractor is clean and not full of grease.

If there may be a risk of the whisky igniting, remove the pan far away from the hob before you add the whisky and let the alcohol completely evaporate safely away before returning the pan to the heat. Have the pan lid close to hand and stand well back when adding the whisky.

Finishing the sauce.

Add the stock to the pan and scrape the bottom of the pan with a silicone spatula to lift any flavours into the sauce. Let the pan simmer to reduce the stock by half. While the pan is simmering lift the Morels from the soaking water and give them a squeeze. Check the stem of each one is clean then slice each Morel in half longways and add them to the pan. Decant three quarters of the soaking water into the panto reduce with the stock.

Dried morels can be quite gritty, so by not adding all of the mushroom juice to the pan we can leavy any dirt and grit in the container to be disposed of.

Add double cream and simmer
Add double cream and simmer

When the stock and mushroom juices have reduced add the cream. Return the meatballs to the pan and coat in the sauce to reheat them. Put the pan on a low heat and pop on the lid to let the flavours blend while you cook the pasta.

Serving the Venison Meatballs.

Venison Meatballs with Mushrooms and Whisky
Venison Meatballs with Mushrooms and Whisky

Take your warm deep plates and nestle the buttered paster into each one. Set the meatballs into the centre of each nest of pasta arranging the mushrooms on top. Divide any remaining sauce around the plates, scatter some chopped parsley and parmesan shaving on top and serve.

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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© Copywrite, John Webber. 2024

How to make, Individual French Apple Tarts

How to make, Individual French Apple Tarts

For these tarts we are using two distinct types of apples. Bramley apple for full on flavour, backed up with a dash of good cider. Green apples, Granny Smiths of French Golden delicious provide texture and a hint of freshness to the tarts. These tarts can be made the night before and stored in the fridge. The trick is to glaze and seal the apple with melted butter and lemon to spot the apple discolouring.

How to Make a Lebanese Fattoush Salad, a Summer Favourite.

How to Make a Lebanese Fattoush Salad, a Summer Favourite.

Fattoush is a great summer salad perfect for eating al fresco with a friends or a barbeque. This is a rustic country salad from Syria and Lebanon that uses a dressing make from buttermilk. This gives the salad a smooth let sharp finish that makes it so refreshing.

How to make – Cheats Chocolate Fondant Pudding.

How to make – Cheats Chocolate Fondant Pudding.

How to make – Cheats Chocolate Fondant. The classic restaurant chocolate fondant is a challenge for the pastry chef needing dexterity and exact timing to be served to perfection.

This version is much easier to make and is far more forgiving in cooking and serving as it is made in advance.

The primary flavour is of course chocolate, so be sure to use a superior quality 70-75% cocoa solids chocolate. Cheap chocolate with low cocoa solids will be unable to punch through the butter, eggs, and sugar. This will give you an insipid tasteless dessert.

70% dark chocolate
70% dark chocolate

No fancy equipment needed, we are using tinfoil pudding basins to form the fondants and make then very easy to turn out.

You will need.

  • Individual tinfoil pudding basins
  • Heatproof bowl to melt the chocolate
  • Saucepan to fit bowl
  • Heatproof bowl to make the truffle mix.
  • Bowl to whisk the eggs in
  • Whisk
  • Flour sieve
  • Heatproof spatula

Cheats Chocolate Fondant.

Makes 5

Oven temperature 190˚c (fan oven)

Firstly, make up the chocolate truffle mix.

For the truffle mix

  • 100ml             double cream
  • 100g               dark chocolate 70-75% cocoa solids
  • 30g                 unsalted butter
  • Dash              vanilla essence

This can be done in the morning for use later. If you want to be well ahead, make the truffles then freeze them so they are ready whenever you want to serve the fondants.

And of course, you could make enough truffles to serve with coffee at the same time. Don’t freeze these though, or the condensation will spoil and coating you roll them in.

Cheats Chocolate Fondant Pudding Melting, cream, butter, and Vanilla together
Melting, cream, butter, and Vanilla together

Break up the chocolate into small pieces. Place the chocolate in a bowl large enough to take all the ingredients and allow you to mix them altogether. Pour the cream into a small pan and add the butter, vanilla, and salt.

Cooking the cream

Pop the pan onto the heat and watch it closely until the butter melts and the cream begins to simmer. Now tip the whole contents of the pan over the chocolate in one go and straight away begin to the mix the truffle base together. The heat for the cream should be enough to melt the chocolate and allow it to emulsify together with the butter and cream.  When ready cover the bowl and when cool enough, place in the fridge to firm up.

The finished Ganache
The finished Ganache

Chefs know this mixture as a Ganache. And if you have ever wondered what that was, Congratulations, you have just made one!

Rolling the Chocolate Ganache
Rolling the Chocolate Ganache

When the mix is firm but not really hard scoop out a little of the chocolate with a teaspoon and roll in the palms of your hands to form a truffle. If you are just making these for the fondants, they don’t need to be perfectly round.


If you are having problems with the chocolate sticking to your hands, rub then with a little flavourless oil. Good for your skin as well!!

Cheats Chocolate Fondant Making the fondant sponge.

The Fondant sponge.

Cheats Chocolate Fondants - ingredients
Cheats Chocolate Fondants – ingredients
  • 125g             dark chocolate 70-75% cocoa solids
  • 125g             unsalted butter
  • 150g             golden caster sugar
  • 3 large          eggs
  • 35g               plain flour
  • Pinch            salt
  • Soft butter to line the moulds.

To serve

  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Melted chocolate runouts.
  • Grated chocolate
  • Icing sugar
Cheats Chocolate Fondant Pudding The buttered tinfoil basins
The buttered tinfoil basins

Before you start brush the insides of the moulds with soft butter to help the cooked fondants slide out. Don’t miss any areas but also don’t overdo it or you will have melted butter running onto your plates.

The chocolate - butter mix
The chocolate – butter mix

Place a heatproof bowl over a pan of hot but not boiling water and add the butter. Let he butter melt slowly over a low heat then once melted add the broken-up chocolate. Melt the chocolate into the butter then take the bowl off the pan and place to one side.

Egg mixture beaten to the ribbon stage
Egg mixture beaten to the ribbon stage

In a second bowl whisk the eggs and sugar together until light and fluffy. When ready the mix should hold traces of where the whisk as been. we call this, the Ribbon stage. When ready, sieve the flour and fold into the egg / sugar mix.

Mixing together.

Fold the melted chocolate and butter into the eggs and fold together lifting the mix from the bottom. Make sure the chocolate is not too hot (blood heat is perfect) and only mix until the chocolate is barely folded into the eggs. Overmixing will spoil the dessert.

Place a chocolate ball in each one
Place a chocolate ball in each one

Half fill the buttered tinfoil moulds then place a truffle in the centre of each mould. Now complete the filling of the moulds and place them in the fridge to be cooked later.

My advice is to now ball the ice cream into a cold plate then return it to the freezer. We need to serve the fondants as quickly as possible and have the ice cream ready is a big help.

Cooking and serving, the Cheats Chocolate Fondants.

When you are ready to serve the dessert, have the oven and a baking tray preheated.

Then fill with the remaining mix
Then fill with the remaining mix

Place the fondants directly from the fridge onto the hot tray and cook then on the centre of the oven for 12 to 14 minutes.

 When ready the centre of the fondants should still be runny. The cheat is that of course the truffle will melt and form a sauce even if the centre is a little over cooked.

Cheats Chocolate Fondants
Cheats Chocolate Fondants

Work as fast as you safely can, turn the fondants out onto plates. Place a ball of ice cream on top of each one, dust with icing sugar and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Cheats Chocolate Fondant, Timing is the key.

As the timing of the fondants is quite important, I would recommend have a test run of the dessert on the family. Everyone’s oven is slightly different in temperature and efficiency. So, the only way to be absolutely sure of the cooking time is to test it.

Cook the fondants as above then take one out at 12 minutes than at 2-minute intervals until you are happy with the result. Be sure to be in and out of the oven as quickly as possible or the oven will cool too much between each test.


Why use soft, not melted butter to line the moulds?

Melted butter tents to run down the sides of the mould and sit on the base, frying the sponge as it cooks. It’s also easier to see if you have missed any bits with soft butter.

What’s the Chocolate decoration you have on the ice cream?

Chefs call these ‘runouts’ It is simply melted chocolate piped onto nonstick paper and allow to cool. In fact, you don’t even need to pipe it. Just letting the chocolate fall off the tip of a spoon will give you a shape, just not as neat.

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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© Copywrite, John Webber. 2024

© Copywrite, John Webber. 2024

How To Be A Shortbread Expert, 3 Recipes

How To Be A Shortbread Expert, 3 Recipes

How To Be A Shortbread Expert. There are thousands of recipes for shortbread, and an equal number of opinions as to the ingredients, methods, and baking. I suppose really you could think of shortbread as posh pastry, uplifted to celebrity status.

The Best Vanilla Panna Cotta with Strawberries and Thyme.

The Best Vanilla Panna Cotta with Strawberries and Thyme.

Vanilla Panna Cotta must be one of the easiest desserts to make, but perhaps harder to get exactly right. Success depends on using the best ingredients and taking care to blend them perfectly. Read on to learn just how to do that.

Make Your Own Easy Flatbreads

Make Your Own Easy Flatbreads

Why Not Make Your Own Easy Flatbreads at home?  It’s much easier than you think, and makes an impressive addition served with snacks and dips when entertaining. You can even make and roll them in advance, then cook them in front of your guest for some added theatre. You can even cook them on the barbeque to make handy wraps and pockets.

To make these fool proof, I’m using self-raising flour. Traditionally of course, this wouldn’t be used but the added lift from the flour compensates for the lack of an open flame if like us, you’re all electric. I’m also using a kitchen blowtorch to colour and puff up the flatbreads. If this is a bit scary, don’t worry it not essential.

Jump to the Video.

You will need.

  • Measuring jug
  • Measuring spoons
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spatula
  • Fish slice
  • Tea towel
  • Flour sieve

The Easy Flatbreads Dough

Easy Flatbreads, ingredients
Easy Flatbreads, ingredients
  • 250g               self-raising flour
  • ¾ tsp              bicarbonate of soda
  • 180ml             buttermilk
  • ½ tsp              table salt
  • 1tbsp              caster sugar

Make Your Own Easy Flatbreads – the dough.

Sieving the flatbread flour
Sieving the flatbread flour

Mix the bicarbonate of soda and flour together then sieve into a mixing bowl.

Add the salt and sugar and mix into the flour.

Make a well in the centre of the flour and add the buttermilk. Work the buttermilk into the flour to form a dough. We need the dough to be moist but not sticky. Don’t be afraid to add more buttermilk if needed. This will depend on the brand of buttermilk you are using.

making the flatbreads dough
making the flatbreads dough

As soon as you have everything together, stop mixing. Too much working the dough will cause the flatbreads to be tough.

Cover the bowl with a cloth and leave the dough to stand 15minutes to rest and rise. Remember this is not a yeast dough, so don’t expect to see an enormous rise in the dough. The lift in the flatbreads will come from the gases formed by the raising agents, and the steam generated in cooking.

Make Your Own Easy Flatbreads – rolling out.

Dust the table with flour then, lift the dough out onto the table and form into roughly 45g balls of dough, you should make 10.

Rolling out the flatbreads
Rolling out the flatbreads

Roll each ball of dough into a rough circle about 3mm thick. Dust with just enough flour to prevent sticking but don’t overdo it. Loose flour sitting on the surface of the flatbread will burn in cooking.

Lay the rolled flatbreads onto a plate with a sheet of baking paper between each bread. This will prevent the flatbreads from sticking to each other and can be used to transfer the dough to the griddle plate if needed.

The flatbreads can be kept like this for up to an hour before cooking if you are waiting for your guests to arrive. It also will give you time to clean up!

Make your Own Easy Flatbreads – cooking.

This can be done on a flat griddle plate on the cooker, in a frying pan, or even on the barbecue if it has flat heated surface.

Whichever method you choose we need a lot of heat, so if you are using a frying pan, make sure its up to the job!

Using a blowtorch to finish the Easy Flatbreads
Using a blowtorch to finish the Easy Flatbreads

Using a Blowtorch.

Been a bit chefy, I also like to use a blowtorch on my flatbreads. The extreme heat generated will make the dough puff up even more and the flame imparts a traditional colour, and flavour to the dough.

If you’re not sure on how to use one safely, then don’t. It should be safe enough on the barbeque, but using one indoors need care, the last thing you want is a visit from the fire brigade.

Once your cooking surface is hot lay one flatbread onto the hot metal. If this is tricky, keep the dough on the baking paper and use this to lower the disc of dough down. The paper can easily be peeled off once the dough has set.

Cook the flatbread for about 90 seconds on one side, you should see the dough begin the bubble and blister with the heat.

Turn the flatbread over and give it another 60 – 90 seconds. If you are using the blowtorch, simple wave the wave over the dough briefly on each side. Don’t leave the flame in one place or it will burn the bread instantaneously.

Covering the Easy Flatbreads.

Easy Flatbreads
Easy Flatbreads

As each flatbread is cooked, transfer it on to a plate with one side of a barely damp tea towel draped over. Cover the bread with the spare side of the tea towel immediately.

If you forget to cover the flatbreads as soon as they are cooked, they will dry out very quickly and become like a biscuit.

Serve as soon as possible after cooking to get the best texture, fantastic with dips, Hummus, Baba Ganoush or used as a wraps!

View The Video.

I only have plain flour at home, can I still make these?

Don’t worry, we can turn plain flour into self-raising flour easily. For every 100g of flour you are using add 1tsp of baking powder. Mix it in well, then sift the two together. Some pastry chefs prefer to make their own self raising flour as they have full control over the raising agent been as fresh as possible.

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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© Copywrite, John Webber. 2024

Make Tantalizing,  Baba Ganoush. Easily at Home

Make Tantalizing, Baba Ganoush. Easily at Home

Baba Ganoush is easy to make at home and so much nicer then the bought in versions. Serve it as a snack or as part of a mezze spread with warmed Pita breads. Why not go the whole hog and try our recipe to make your own flatbreads and impress your guests even more.

How to Make Hummus, Everyone’s Favourite Snack

How to Make Hummus, Everyone’s Favourite Snack

How to make Hummus. It’s easy to make this classic middle eastern snack, better and fresher than the bought version. Its smooth healthy, and full of flavour. And once you have mastered the process there is a wealth of other flavours you can add to the basic mix.

How to make Great Flavoured Butters – 14 variations.

How to make Great Flavoured Butters – 14 variations.

Flavoured Butters are one of the easiest ways of putting flavour onto a dish. I simply can’t think of anything else you can that make that will transform your cooking so quickly and efficiently. Imagine a simple jacket potato lifted by adding cheesy bacon butter. Boring cooked rice given a punch with lime, ginger, chilli, and coriander butter. Or a grilled chicken breast topped with harissa flavoured butter, amazing!

Flavoured Butters.

Best of all they are not difficult to make. If you have a small food processor they can be made in minutes, if you don’t, just a bit more elbow grease is called for. And once made they can live in the fridge ready for instant use. Chefs refer to these butters as compound butters and the scope is endless.

Using these butters means you can add multiple flavours to a dish in one go and in measured quantities. Once you know how much you like, it’s going to be the same every time without fail.

Block of butter on work surface.
Block of butter on work surface.

I have built these recipes based on 125g (1/2 a pack) so each block of butter will give you the chance to make two variations.

How to use Flavoured Butters.

I use these butters in two main ways.

Firstly, by letting the butter melt over a cooked item, which could be a steak, grilled fish, or the humble jacket potato. As the butter melts over the hot food, it bastes it with rich butter and the chosen combination of flavours. You will be amazed how it can make a quite simple dish seem exotic and ‘chefy.’

Secondly, a flavoured butter can be mixed into a dish. Rather than adding each flavour separately, they all hit the dish together and POW. out comes the flavour. Try mixing some of my lime, garlic and ginger butter into cooked rice and see what I mean!

Flavoured Butters, storage.

All these butters freeze well. I use three months shelf life as a guideline. The finished butters can simply be rolled in greaseproof paper forming small logs about 3cm in diameter then frozen. Slices can then be cut off the frozen log as required.

Flavoured Butters, wrapping
Flavoured Butters, wrapping

If I intend to use the butter on top of say a steak, I would then make individual portions of butter. Line a small tray or plate with a plastic bag then using a piping bag fitted with a star tube pipe rosettes of butter onto the plastic. When the tray is full, pop it into the freezer until the butter is set. The rosettes can then be stored in a freezer safe box until needed.

Method for making Flavoured Butters.

Most of these butters can be made in the same way.

Make sure your butter is a room temperature and of a spreading consistency. Start with the hard ingredients you are using like garlic or ginger and chop or grate them as finely as possible. Pound these into the butter first with any salt been used then add in any liquids like oils or fruit juices.

Flavoured butters
Flavoured butters

If you are having difficulty blending in the liquids your butter may still be too firm, Warm the mix and try again. Finally add in delicate item like fresh herbs and fold the butter together.

Flavoured Butters, Controlling the flavours.

The look and flavour of the butter can be quite different depending on how you mix the butters. Finely chopping items like chillies or fresh herbs then folding them into the butter will give more delicate flavours. Pounding or processing the same ingredients into the butter will extract more flavour and let those ingredients dominate the finished butter. And of course, the butter will turn the colour of the ingredients, in this case red or green.

If you are going to use the butter very soon, spoon it into small ramekins ready for use or serving. If the butter is for later use freezing is ideal.

Take a sheet of greaseproof paper about 25cm in width and spoon the finished butter in the centre forming a line about 12cm up from the bottom. Bring the bottom edge of the paper up and over the butter, pressing the paper in to form a cylinder. Aim to produce a roll 3cm in diameter, then twist the ends together like a Christmas cracker. The butter should be fine in the freezer for up to three months.

How to make Flavoured Butters – 12 variations.

Savoury Flavoured Butters.

Roast Garlic, and Parsley Butter.

Flavoured Butters - Roast garlic and parsley butter
Roast garlic and parsley butter

Don’t be put off by the amount of garlic, it’s really mild and mellow. Try this one pushed under the skin of a whole chicken before roasting.

  • 125g                     unsalted butter
  • 1                           head of roast garlic
  • good pinch of salt
  • black mill pepper
  • 30ml                     olive oil
  • 2tbsp                    chopped flat parsley

Garlic pesto butter.

Garlic pesto butter
Garlic pesto butter

This makes a great alternative filling in a chicken Kiev.

  • 15g                        basil, leaves only
  • 1                            clove of garlic
  • 30g                        pine Kernels
  • 125g                      unsalted butter
  • 4tsp                       olive oil
  • 60g                        parmesan cheese (finely grated)
  •                               black mill pepper

I use a mortar and pestle for this. Crush the garlic in the salt then add 1/3 of the pine kernels and crush them in. Work in the soft butter, then add the oil, shredded basil leaves and cheese. Mix to bruise the basil slightly then wrap.

Anchovy and Rosemary Butter

Anchovy and Rosemary butter
Anchovy and Rosemary butter

Brilliant on grilled Lamb, or use on the B.B.Q.

  • 125g                      unsalted butter
  • 20g                        anchovy fillets in oil, roughly 10
  • zest and juice of ½ a lemon
  • 1                            small sprig of rosemary
  • ½                          clove of grated garlic
  • 8turns                   black mill pepper

Roasted red pepper butter.

Red Pepper Flavoured Butter
Red Pepper Flavoured Butter

Good for grilled fish and poultry.

  • 125g                      unsalted butter
  • 40g                        roasted and skinned red peppers
  • Pinch                     cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 tsp paprika
  • 1tsp                       lemon juice
  • ½                          clove of grated garlic
  • pinch salt

If you are roasting you peppers at home, rub each one in oil, then cook on a tray in a 240˚c oven for 15 minutes. The skin of the pepper should blacken if this is not happening take them outside and use a kitchen blowtorch to finish the job. You can of course buy them in jars.

Snail Butter.

I’ve put this one in as a bit of fun. Back in the days of grand hotels Snails roasted in the shell was a trendy starter. This is the recipe for the butter that was pushed into the shells, prior to cooking and flavour the meat.

Don’t go rushing into the garden to try it out! The snails used were specially reared and their systems cleaned out before been shipped out to kitchens.

  • 125g                     unsalted butter
  • 15g                       new season garlic (finely chopped)
  • 20g                       flat parsley (finely chopped)
  • 8g                         dry white breadcrumbs
  • 1tbsp                    pernod
  • ½ tsp                   salt
  • 1/8tsp                  freshly ground black pepper
  •                             pinch cayenne pepper
  • 2                          drops tobacco sauce

Lime, Ginger, Chilli and Coriander Butter.

Lime, ginger and coriander butter
Lime, ginger and coriander butter

One of my favourite butters. Use on top of grilled fish or mix into cooked rice or cous-cous.

  • 125g                     unsalted butter
  • 1 ½ tsp                fresh ginger, finely grated
  • zest and juice of 1 lime
  • 1 ½                      red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped.
  • 1                          clove of garlic, finely grated
  • 2tbsp                   olive oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp              Thai fish sauce
  • 10g                      coriander leaves

Chilli and lime Flavoured butter.

Similar to the previous butter, but a little milder without the fish sauce and ginger.

  • 125g                      unsalted butter
  • 1                             red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
  • zest and juice if 1 lime
  • 1tbsp                    chopped coriander
  • pinch

Cheesy Bacon Flavoured Butter.

Bacon and cheese butter
Bacon and cheese butter

Let this one melt into a baked potato, or spread onto hot cheese scones.

  • 125g                      unsalted butter
  • 4rashers               dry cure streaky bacon
  • 30g                        mature cheddar cheese, grated
  • ½ tsp                     Worcestershire sauce
  •                               Black mill pepper
  • 2tbsp                    chopped chives.

Harissa Flavoured Butter.

Harissa Butter
Harissa Butter

Great for cooked rice or cous-cous. Also makes a good spread for the likes of a club sandwich.

  • 120g                      unsalted butter
  • 2tbsp                    harissa
  • Pinch                     sea salt

Sweet, Dessert, Favoured Butters.

Use these butters on hot scones or muffins. Great to give a lift to pancake day as well.

Cinnamon Honey butter.

  • 125g                     unsalted butter
  • 1tbsp                    soft dark brown sugar
  • 40g                       runny honey
  • 1/4 tsp                  ground cinnamon

Raspberry Flavoured Butter.

Raspberry flavoured butter
Raspberry flavoured butter
  • 125g                     unsalted butter
  • Pinch                    sea salt
  • 70g                       raspberries , fresh or frozen
  • squeeze of lemon juice
  • 2tsp dried raspberry powder
  • 2tsp icing sugar

Maple syrup and Walnut butter.

Walnut and Maple syrup Flavoured Butter
Walnut and Maple syrup Flavoured Butter
  • 125g                     unsalted butter
  • 4tsp                     maple syrup
  • 1tsp                      ground cinnamon
  • 40g                    chopped walnuts
  • pinch salt

Spiced butter.

Try this on a toasted hot cross bun.

Spiced Flavoured Butter
Spiced Flavoured Butter
  • 125g                      unsalted butter
  • 1tbsp                    light soft brown sugar
  • 2tsp                       golden syrup
  • ½ tsp                     ground cinnamon
  • Pinch                     ground cloves
  • Pinch                     grated nutmeg
  • ½ tsp                    ground ginger
  • Pinch salt

Chocolate butter.

Chocolate Flavoured Butter
Chocolate Flavoured Butter
  • 125g                      unsalted butter
  • 50g                        dairy milk chocolate
  • 1tbsp                    cocoa powder
  • 2tsp grated dark chocolate
  • 4tsp                       icing sugar
  • pinch salt

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over hot water then let cool. When cool, but not set fold the chocolate into the soft butter then beat in the sugar and cocoa powder.

Do give some, or all of these a try, and let me know how you get on.


Why do your recipes use unsalted butter, then add salt? Why not just use salted butter?

Unsalted butter is the natural product make by churning fresh cream and nothing else. By adding salt to the butter it lengthens its shelf life so its unlikely to be as fresh as unsalted butter. Adding the salt also help the butter hold together so its possible to use lower quality cream to manufacture it. And finally we can simple control how much salt is in the butter.

Learn more about Butter ‘HERE’

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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© Copywrite, John Webber. 2024

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