Tag: oats

How to make, Easy Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats

How to make, Easy Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats

This Easy, Banana and Blueberry Overnight Oats breakfast is great. Fresh fruit, and oats. What’s not to like!

How to make, Syrup and Spice Overnight Oats

How to make, Syrup and Spice Overnight Oats

Syrup and Spice Overnight Oats are simply breakfast comfort food. Childhood memories of steamed sponge pudding come flooding back when tucking into these oats.

How to Make Exotic, Tropical Overnight Oats

How to Make Exotic, Tropical Overnight Oats

These Tropical Overnight Oats are my favourite overnight oats recipe. I love the rich, smooth texture of the oats. Combined with the background of coconut and mango. The addition of passion fruit and Greek yoghurt on top give a sharp contrast.

Go to our main Overnight Oats page for more information on this great breakfast option, and more great recipes.

Tropical Overnight Oats

Makes enough for two people.

Ingredients for Tropical Overnight Oats
Ingredients for Tropical Overnight Oats
  • 250g                light coconut milk
  • 60g                  rolled oats
  • ½                     ripe banana
  • 1tsp                  light brown sugar
  • 1tsp                  Chia seeds
  • 2tsp                  desiccated coconut
  • 70g                  dried mango pieces

The Night Before.

This is easily made directly in the storage jar. I use 330ml screw top Kilner jars and this recipe just about fills the jar.

Mashing the banana with a fork
Mashing the banana with a fork

Slice the banana and place the jar with the sugar. Mash the banana with the back of a fork, the sugar will help the banana break down.

Adding oats, milk, seeds, sugar and coconut
Adding oats, milk, seeds, sugar and coconut

Work the coconut milk into the banana, then stir in the oats, Chia seeds, and desiccated coconut.

Adding chopped, dried mango
Adding chopped, dried mango

You may need to chop the dried mango into smaller pieces to fit onto a spoon. Stir the mango into the mix, and you’re done!

Put the lid on the jar, and place in the fridge overnight. There’s no dairy in this recipe so it should be fine in the fridge for three to four days.


  • Greek yoghurt
  • Fresh mango slices
  • ½         passion fruit
  • Desiccated coconut

Spoon the oats into a serving dish, drop on a dollop of Greek yoghurt on top. Add some sliced fresh mango, then scoop some passion fruit seeds and juice over the top.

Add a sprinkling of desiccated coconut and serve.

Enjoy life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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©John Webber. 2023

How to make Delicious, Apple Crumble Overnight Oats

How to make Delicious, Apple Crumble Overnight Oats

These, Easy and Delicious, Apple Crumble Overnight Oats make the perfect Autumn breakfast. Layers of apple compote, oats, yoghurt, and shortbread. What more could you want?

How to make, Mocha Overnight Oats.

How to make, Mocha Overnight Oats.

These Mocha Overnight Oats are packed with flavour. Rich peanut butter and Maple syrup are backed up with a kick of coffee to get your day started.

I like to serve the Mocha Overnight oats topped with a crunchy layer of muesli. Choose a variety with plenty interesting ingredients or add some more dried fruits if needed. We are looking for some texture and interest rather than adding more oats to our breakfast.

Make your own, Easy Overnight Oats, the perfect lazy breakfast.

Make your own, Easy Overnight Oats, the perfect lazy breakfast.

Easy Overnight Oats, make the perfect lazy breakfast. Packed with goodness they are one of the most versatile breakfast options around. Very little, is any cooking is required and the simplest versions can be made in minutes.

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t have time for breakfast, then these are for you! A healthy tasty, interesting breakfast can be in front of you in less time that it takes to make toast.

And if that’s not enough, take some overnight oats along with you. I sometimes take a jar with me if I’m of on an early morning photo trip been both easy to carry and eat.

Syrup and spice overnight oats ready for the fridge

I like to use screw top Kilner  jars to assemble the oats and all the recipes below are made for that size of jar. Of course, you can use any container you like even old well-washed jam jars.

What ingredients do you need for Easy Overnight Oats?


Essential, well you couldn’t have overnight oats without oats, could you? Ordinary rolled oats are fine for any recipe. Jumbo oats can be added into the mix to give a different texture if needed.

Pinhead, rolled, and jumbo oats
Pinhead, rolled, and jumbo oats

DON’T use quick cook oats as they are part processed already. Oatmeal is also unsuitable particularly pinhead oatmeal (known as steel cut oats in the U.S.A.)


I should say liquid, water you do, but might not be worth getting out of bed for. You can use any of the plant-based milks, coconut, almond, oat, or fruit juices. Try experimenting to impress your guests.


Loads of options here. Try honey, unrefined sugar, maple syrup, golden syrup, or artificial sweeteners. Don’t overdo the sweetener at first as some ingredients like dried fruit will add sweetness.

Vanilla Essence.

I like to add a little vanilla to form a background flavour, but like the sweetener don’t overdo it.

Greek Yoghurt.

A spoonful of yoghurt mixed into the oats adds a richness of the oats and a dollop on top does no harm.

Chia seeds.

These are optional, they provide a richer texture to the oats and add bags of nutrition to the dish. High in fibre’ Omega 3 and loaded with antioxidants. You don’t need a great deal a small packet will get you going.

Chia (left) and ground Flax seed (right)
Chia (left) and ground Flax seed (right)

Flax Seeds.

Flax seeds are a great addition to any cereal. Like Chia they are rich in Omega 3 and have numerous health benefits including controlling cholesterol and gut health.


Good toppings make the difference between good and brilliant overnight oats. The options are endless but as a start try, berry fruits, fruit compotes, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, spices, chocolate, muesli, or crushed biscuits.

Good quality Greek yoghurt will add a fresh creamy texture. Try adding into the soaking oats and adding a spoonful on top before serving


How do I serve Easy Overnight Oats?

Basically, any way you like. For your guests dress them with some really good yoghurt and plenty of fresh fruit. If you’re in need of a quick breakfast just tuck in straight from the jar.

Don’t be afraid to try serving the oats warmed in the microwave. Great for the winter to get you going. Our Syrup and Spice overnight oats are ideal for this.

So, how do I get started?

For a basic mixture try 1 part (by volume) of oats to 1 ¼ parts milk, plus 1/8thpart chia seeds. Mix the whole lot together in a jar and leave overnight in the fridge. If you wish you could then add sweeteners and toppings as you want.

As long as the milk is fresh the prepared oats will keep up to five days in the fridge. Adding items into the mix will shorten the life of the oats.

I prefer to make a dedicated recipe with all the flavours added in at the start. This makes life much easier first thing in the morning. All my recipes below will make two breakfasts and will keep up to three days in the fridge.

Easy Overnight Oats.

Now I have wetted your appetite. Try out any or all of the selection below.

Enjoy Life !


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

Dusting with flour

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©John Webber. 2023