Tag: Techniques

Make your own Exotic Flavoured Gin at Home.

Make your own Exotic Flavoured Gin at Home.

If you are a lover of long cool drinks, then this is for you. They are easy to make and all you really need is some space to store the gin while it is steeping and the patience not to get stuck in too quickly. I always fill hold of some 250ml bottles to use as Christmas presents, always welcome gifts.

Astonishing Salt, How and Why we use it

Astonishing Salt, How and Why we use it

Astonishing salt, no other ingredient I know has had a greater effect on cooking and the kitchen. We need it to live, but an excess is bad for us and may even kill us!

So why do we have a love affair with it? And what does it actually do? Read on and I’ll do my best to explain.

Want to be Baking your own Bread? Your Questions Answered.

Want to be Baking your own Bread? Your Questions Answered.

Baking your own Bread at home can be a puzzle, let us help you answer your questions.

How warm is ‘warm water’?

If you’re not sure how warm your water should be, here’s a simple baker’s trick.

Take the temperature you want your dough to be, let’s say 26˚c then double it, that’s 52˚c.

Take the temperature of the flour you are using. Let’s say it’s been in the larder and is only 18˚c.

Take that from the target temperature, and that’s the water temperature you need- 52˚c-18˚c =34˚c.

Help! my dough is sticky and sticks to my hands.

The dough should be sticky when you first start to knead. Use a little flour on your hands and table but don’t try to work flour into the dough. Too dry a dough will be tough. Keep kneading and the gluten will begin to from together and the dough will come away to form a ball and take on a silky finish.

What’s the best way of handling a rye flour dough?

Struggling to work with rye flour? It can be extremely rewarding to bake, and very good for you. The problem is that it can be very gooey and tricky to work with.

A simple solution to this is to wet your equipment and hands with cold water. Then as you handle the dough the moisture will allow it to slide off.

What is Proving?

Proving is allowing the yeast in the dough to feed on the carbohydrates in the flour. This in turn allows the yeast to multiply. As the yeast feeds it produces carbon dioxide witch form bubbles in the dough and gives the bread its light texture.

Why do I need to prove my bread dough twice?

The first proving of the dough allows the yeast to establish itself in the dough and multiply. This also gives time for the gluten in the flour to develop.

We then form the dough into the required shape

The second prove after shaping gives the yeast access to more food. The now multiplied cells can produce lots of gas to push the dough outwards. This gives us a lighter loaf with a good crumb.

Why is my dough very slow to prove?

Rich doughs like buns have a lot of fat and sugar in the dough. This will slow the progress of the yeast. That’s perfectly normal, using fast action yeast will speed things up a little.

If your dry goods are stored in a cool larder let them come up to room temperature before mixing. If your flour is very cold use slightly warmer water to mix.

What’s the best way to prove my dough?

When proving the dough for the first time or proving the final produce place the tray in a bag (bin bags are great). Throw up the open end of the bag to catch some air then tuck the open end under the tray. This will form a tent of trapped air making the bread prove evenly and stop the bread forming a skin.

How do I get a better crust on my breads?

To get the best crust and finish on your bread it needs to begin cooking in moist heat. Place a shallow tray in the bottom of the oven as it is heating up and when you place the bread in the oven throw a few ice cubes into the tray below. The ice will melt then form steam and help the crust form

How do I know if my bread is ready?

This is the traditional method of checking if your bread is ready. After the recommended cooking time lift the bread using a tea towel or oven cloth. Tap the base of the bread and listen. The cooked bread should make a hollow sound. If the sound is a dull thud the centre is still wet and unrisen.

The second option is to use a probe thermometer. Lighter breads like Focaccia should be between 83˚c – 91˚c in the centre. Heaver rich breads should be between 88˚c – 91˚c in the centre.

Yeast.  – Also look up What is Yeast? In the Food Files..

fresh and dried yeast
fresh and dried yeast

What’s the best way of storing yeast?

Storing dried yeast in the freezer will help it retain its power. Fresh yeast can also be frozen for a short time in an emergency. Add just a little more to the recipe to make up for the damage freezing will do.

How do I convert using dried yeast to fresh in a recipe?

When using dried yeast where the recipe stipulates fresh use half the weight. If using fresh in place of dried use double the weight.

Dried Yeast is normally sold in a small tin and needs to be mixed with water before use. DO NOT add it directly into the flour as it will not dissolve in the dough. Works fine, I would always recommend making a ferment to make sure the yeast is properly dissolved.

Fast Action Yeast is in the one you buy in the little tin foil pouches. Originally developed for bread making machines this is a finer grain. This means it will dissolve in a dough without pre-mixing with water. The ‘Fast Action part is because vitamin C has been added to the yeast to supercharge it and help the machine produce a lighter loaf.

My yeast doesn’t work, what’s wrong?

It could be that your yeast is just too old and dead. Always check the use by date on the packaging before use. You may be using water that is too hot, blood heat water is ideal for use with yeast.

Never expose yeast to concentrations of fat, salt, or sugar they will kill the yeast. Be sure to separate them in the mixing of the dough.


Pile of four on work surface.
Pile of four on work surface.

What is Flour?

Well, what is flour? A type of flour can be made from many grains, beans, nuts, roots, or seeds.  As long as they have enough starch content to allow us to grind them into flour.

Most of the time we are talking about wheat flour but there are many other options out there. For example, rye, spelt, cassava, arrowroot, corn, rice, chickpeas, potato, and nuts.

What is Bread Flour?

Bread flour also known as strong flour is made from wheat with a high protein content. Its these proteins that form gluten when moistened and kneaded. Other flours like a plain pastry flour have a lower protein content.

I don’t have bread flour; can I just use plain flour instead?

You can make some flatbreads using plain flour but as the name indicates they will be flat.

Don’t try to exchange bread (strong) flour for plain (soft) flour in a recipe. The larger amount of gluten in the bread flour will allow the dough to rise correctly.

My wholemeal bread is very heavy, can I lighten my wholemeal flour?

Yes, substitute up to 20% of the flour with strong white flour. This will make the dough lighter and easier to work. Depending on the flour you may need to reduce the liquid content slightly

Baking Better Bread
Baked Bread

I hope all that helps check out The Fundamentals of Making Bread at Home for even more hints and tips.

Enjoy life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

Make Your Own Amazing Buttermilk Bread Rolls

Make Your Own Amazing Buttermilk Bread Rolls

These Buttermilk Bread Rolls will really impress your dinner party guests. They go well with most starters that don’t require crispy rolls served alongside.

How to Make Your Own Pork Sausages.

How to Make Your Own Pork Sausages.

Home-Made Sausages are one of the most flexible foods we have available to us. Whether it’s a comforting plate of bangers and mash, fending off the cold weather. A quick buttered sausage roll as a snack or the compulsory BBQ sausage, it’s a year round go to treat.

How to make, Rosemary and Red Onion Focaccia Bread

How to make, Rosemary and Red Onion Focaccia Bread

This Rosemary and Red Onion Focaccia is one of my favourite breads to make at home. Soft textured and delicately flavoured it is an ideal as picnic bread or served with a casual lunch. Try out some variations by adding cooked onions or sun blushed tomatoes into the dough with the herbs. I also use this focaccia for my ultimate B.L.T.

How to get extra flavour in your bread

To get flavour throughout the bread. I blend the water, garlic, and olive oil together. This ‘milkshake’ is to in then used to bring the dough together. I have also used marjoram in the dough. And rosemary and red onions set into pockets pushed into the dough. Which also hold olive oil to keep the bread moist. Alternatively try some stoned olives in the pockets and a sprinkling of flaky sea salt on the crust before baking.

I would recommend you check out the Food Files pages on What is Yeast and our Guide to flour. Also the fundamentals of Making bread at home will help you to fully understand the bread making process.

If you are interested in the origins of focaccia, or other Italian dishes take a look at. https://www.deliciousitaly.com/liguria-food/origins-of-focaccia

My Rosemary and Red Onion Focaccia.

Makes two 20cm dia loaves.

Oven temp, 185°C/ 370°f fan oven, 200˚c conventional oven

focaccia bread ingredients
focaccia bread ingredients

600g                              Bread Flour

1.5 tsp                           Salt

1.5 tsp                           Sugar

3 tsp                              fresh chopped marjoram leaves, or 1tsp dried

360ml/g                        Water

7g                                  dried yeast

2tbsp                             water @ blood heat

3tsp                               olive oil

1                                    clove of garlic, sliced

                                       olive oil for the crust

2 sprigs                         fresh rosemary

1                                    red onion peeled and cut into small wedges

flaky sea salt to sprinkle on crust

You will need: –

Mixing bowl or food mixer with dough hook.


Hand blender and goblet.

Chopping board and knife.

2 x 20cm x 4cm sponge tins.

Make your ferment.

The ferment ready to use
The ferment ready to use

If you are using dried yeast. Measure it into a small container and mix with the 3 tbsp of water to form a smooth paste. Add a pinch of flour and put it to one side while you weigh up the other ingredients. If you are using fast action yeast mix it directly into the flour.

Making the dough.

water, olive oil and garlic mix.
water, olive oil and garlic mix.

In the blender goblet mix the water, salt, sugar, olive oil, and sliced garlic. And blend until smooth.

Place the flour in the mixing bowl, and if your using dried marjoram (oregano) add that now. Check the yeast container. It should be beginning to foam. If so, congratulations, you have made a ferment and improved the actions of the yeast.

Add the water mix to the dry ingredients followed by the yeast ferment and knead on a low speed for 5 minutes. The dough does not need an enormous amount of kneading as we are making a flattish soft loaf.

1st proving.

the proved dough
the proved dough

Cover the bowl and leave the dough to prove until doubled in size. Don’t place the bowl in a very warm place. Normal room temperature is fine. In fact, if you need freshly baked loaves for the morning. Make the dough in the evening with cool but not cold water. Place the bowl in the fridge and the dough will be ready to finish at breakfast time.

2nd proving.

knocking back and adding marjoram
knocking back and adding marjoram

Re mix the dough for two minutes (known as knocking back). If you are using fresh marjoram add it at this stage. This is also the time to add other flavourings if using (see below).

rolling out the loaves
rolling out the loaves

Divide the dough into two and form into rounds 20 cm across and 1cm thick.

ready for second prove
ready for second prove

Set the rounds onto a greased sponge tins and press your thumb into the dough in a regular pattern with 3 cm spaces.

Rub a little olive oil into the surface of the dough, cover and allow to prove until doubled. Placing the tins in a clean bin bag and forming a tent with the bag works well if the kitchen is very cold.

Focaccia bread,ready for the oven.
Focaccia bread,ready for the oven.

When the dough has proved, you may need to use your thumb again to open up the indents made earlier. Push thin wedges of red onion and rosemary into the pockets alternating each one. Brush very lightly once more with olive oil and sprinkle with flaky sea salt if wished.


Bake at 185°C/ 370°f fan oven, 200˚c conventional oven for twenty minutes.

When ready remove the bread from the tins and cool on a cooling wire. I like to brush a little more olive on the crust as the bread cools.

Ringing the changes.

Try adding other flavourings into the dough, like fried onions, stoned black olives or sundried tomatoes at the second proving stage.

You can half the dough if you only need one loaf, but as the bread frezzes well I always make two at a time to make best use of the oven.

Enjoy Life!


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

The Best, Walnut Bread, Rich, and Delicious

The Best, Walnut Bread, Rich, and Delicious

Rich, and delicious, Walnut Bread is a perfect bread to serve with cheese at a casual lunch. Or as part of a dinner party meal. Savoury yet sweet it’s very moreish and is just as good lightly toasted and served with butter.

What is yeast? A Baker’s guide.

What is yeast? A Baker’s guide.

This baker’s guide to yeast will explain all you need to know about using yeast.
Learn the different types of yeast available and how to use them to get the best results in your bread and baking

Easy Soda Breads to Make at Home.

Easy Soda Breads to Make at Home.

Soda Breads are so easy to make at home. Everybody loves making bread, it’s so satisfying and rewarding why not give it a try. I know what you are thinking, I can’t make bread. It takes too long. Too much kneading involved. I don’t have time. It’s too difficult. I don’t have a stand mixer, or I can’t be bothered.

Well apart from the last one, I can help you. Soda bread is actually easier than making a scone, it’s pretty much a bung it in recipe, no special equipment needed.

I’ve given you two recipes here, plain white and a wholemeal version. I like to include some seeds, black pepper, and rosemary in the wholemeal version. But these can be left out if you wish. The method of making each bread is identical. The trick is to handle the dough as little as possible and then let it rest.

Grab your mixing bowl and give it a go.

You will need: –

A mixing bowl


Measuring jug

Silicone spatula

Baking tray

Scotch scraper

White soda bread.

White soda bread ingredients
White soda bread ingredients

Makes one loaf.

225g                            plain Flour

½ tsp                           bicarbonate of soda

¼ tsp                           cream of tartar

¼ tsp                           baking powder

200ml                          buttermilk

½ tsp                           Salt

If buttermilk is unobtainable, use 160ml of plain yoghurt (not Greek style) mixed with 60ml of milk. Aim for a consistency like single cream.

Bake 200˚c (180˚c Fan) for 20 to 25 minutes.

Seeded wholemeal soda bread.

Seeded soda bread -ingredients
Seeded soda bread -ingredients

Makes one loaf.

175g                            wholemeal Flour

175g                            plain Flour

35g                              pumpkin seeds

35g                              sunflower seeds

¼ tsp (heaped)            baking powder

½ tsp (heaped)             bicarbonate of soda

½ tsp                           chopped fresh rosemary leaves

½ tsp (heaped)             salt

12 turns                       black mill pepper

250ml                          buttermilk

Pinhead oatmeal to sprinkle on top.

If buttermilk is unobtainable, use 200ml of plain yoghurt (not Greek style) mixed with 90ml of milk. Aim for a consistency like single cream.

Bake 200˚c (180˚c Fan) for 25 to 30 minutes.

Making Soda Bread.

Place all the flour/s into a bowl large enough to get your hands into. Add the raising agents, seeds/herbs if using, and salt then mix into the flour.

Brown soda bread - adding liquid
Brown soda bread – adding liquid

Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the buttermilk. Working from the middle outwards begin to mix the flour into the liquid with the spatula. Don’t beat the mixture, just fold together to make a damp dough. Keep a little buttermilk back until you are sure you need it all. This will depend on how thick your brand of buttermilk is.

Seeded soda bread mix
Seeded soda bread mix

When the mix is almost combined, tip the dough out onto a very lightly floured worksurface. Then bring the dough together with your hands. The dough should be tacky and soft. Too dry and the bread won’t rise, it’s better to add a little more liquid if you’re not sure.

Seeded soda bread, patted out.
Seeded soda bread – patted out

Treat the dough gently.

Resist the temptation to knead the dough, just pat it out with the palm of your hand to form a disc 3-4 cm thick. Transfer the dough to a lined baking sheet and using a scotch scraper cut across the dough to a depth of 4mm. Then turn the bread repeat the cut to mark out four or six wedges.

White soda bread - ready to bake
White soda bread – ready to bake

Now this is where I get into one of my personal theories. It’s not general practice, but I think it makes sense.

Don’t bake the bread immediately!!!

If I am dealing with a self-supporting mix like scones and bread using raising agents. I always leave them to sit for at least ten minutes before baking. The logic is to give a little time for the gasses to build up in the dough and lighten the dough before setting the loaf in the oven. It a little bit like leaving a yeast dough to rise before cooking. Don’t try this with a light cake mix or sponge. They will collapse if not baked at once.

Dust lightly with flour then bake at 200˚c for about 25 mins. When cooked, the bread should have a heavy hollow sound when the base is tapped firmly. Lift the bread onto a cooling wire and eat barely warm with butter or good cheese.

N.B. Some supermarkets sell cultured buttermilk. This is different to true buttermilk been thicker which will make your dough too dry. Add a little milk if needed to bring the consistency down to single cream.

This may be the only bread you ever need to make. It really is worth the effort, perfect for a picnic, light lunch or to show off at a dinner party.

Making Easy Soda Breads
Making Easy Soda Breads

Give it a go!!

Enjoy Life !


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

Boiling, Poaching, Simmering, The duffer’s guide to wet heat.

Boiling, Poaching, Simmering, The duffer’s guide to wet heat.

The duffer’s’ guide to cooking with wet heat. Discover the correct way to use wet heat.

How to portion a chicken on the bone.

How to portion a chicken on the bone.

Learn the classic skill of dissecting a chicken on the bone. Ideal for a chicken saute’ or casserole

Make Your own Ghee at home.

Make Your own Ghee at home.

Make your own ghee at home. It’s easy to do and very versatile. The homemade version has a more neutral buttery flavour that has several uses. Making a curry, producing French emulsified sauces, in bakery goods or high-temperature frying.

To get the best from your curry creations do read our posts on, – Make your own Garam Masala, – How to make Indian onion pastes, and Make your own Indian flavouring Pastes .

What is ghee?

Have you ever wondered what’s in that tin of ghee you religiously buy to make your curry as authentic as possible? Well, its butter, yes just butter. It’s not exactly identical as the butter on your toast. It has been cooked to remove the milky part of the butter and extend its shelf life.

Now if you’re into French classic cookery you may have come across clarified butter. Well, it’s basically the same thing. For the Indian version the base butter is different, and it cooked slightly longer to change the flavour.

But for all practical purposes we can make our own ghee to use for a curry or a hollandaise sauce as we wish. You can store the butter for up to a month and a half in the fridge. Or as I do freeze it in ice cube trays to have handy blocks ready when I need them.

Make your own ghee.

All we need is-

1x 250g block of unsalted butter

Small saucepan

Small ladle or soup spoon

Fine heatproof sieve

Heatproof bowl (pyrex is ideal)

making ghee, set up
making ghee, set up

A good result needs a good start and that’s the butter. You don’t need to buy the most expensive, but it must be unsalted. If you use salted butter for this, you will have a briny deposit in the pan that can spoil the finished product. As the butter cooks the milky part will rise to the surface and the solids will fall to the bottom of the pan.

Make your own ghee
Make your own ghee

Place the block of butter into the pan and pop onto a medium heat. Don’t use a lid as we need to keep an eye on the butter cooking

simmering butter
simmering butter

As the butter melts, foam will appear around the edge of the pan. Don’t worry that’s normal but we don’t want the butter to be rapidly boiling, just a gentle simmer.

skimming ghee
skimming ghee

When the foam covers the surface of the pan begin to skim it off the surface of the butter. You will see the liquid butter below becoming clearer. Listen to the pan it will be making a noise a little bit like a deep fat fryer after cooking chips. A kind of crackle as the last of the moisture in the oil evaporates. The butter in the pan is doing the same thing.

The tricky bit.

straining ghee
straining ghee

It’s very important you do not leave the pan at this point. Not only will you spoil the butter, but you will have the same danger as a deep fat fryer. If the fat becomes too hot it will burn and eventually ignite.

Keep a close eye on the pan and you will see the butter stop moving around. The sound coming from the pan will also all but stop. Both indicators tell you the butter is ready for straining. Don’t hesitate, strain it into the bowl at once.

The pan will have a deposit on the bottom, this should be a light brown and not welded to the pan. If it’s dark and smells a bit nutty, you have over cooked it a bit. You will have made what the French refer to as Burre Noisette (nut brown butter). It should be ok for a curry, but no good for hollandaise etc.

finished ghee
finished ghee

Let the ghee cool in the bowl and ether transfer to a lidded container or pour into ice cube trays and freeze. Once frozen tip out the cubes and store in a sealed plastic bag or box back in the freezer. NOTE, If the ghee is not stored in a sealed container, it will absorb the flavour of anything store close to it. In the fridge it will be good for six weeks, in the freezer up to three months.

frozen ghee
frozen ghee


When you go shopping, look out for unsalted butter that has been discounted as its close to its use by date. Take it home and cook it straight away, you will give the butter a new lease of life and save the waste of it been discarded.

As you can see it’s not difficult and only take a few minutes to do, give it a try.

Enjoy Life,


Hi, my name is John Webber, award winning chef and tutor, now retired to the west coast of Scotland. Welcome to our blog focusing on food, cooking, and countryside. My aim is to pass on my years of skills and knowledge together with an appreciation of the countryside.

Join us to experience the beauty of the west coast, cook some great food and be at ease in the kitchen.

If you enjoyed your visit with us, please subscribe up to our newsletter to receive regular updates of what’s new and upcoming at The Westcoaster. Subscribe Here

©John Webber. 2023

Make your own, Indian flavouring Pastes .

Make your own, Indian flavouring Pastes .

Make these essential Indian pastes at home. To make you a master of the curry.

All you need to know about – Eggs

All you need to know about – Eggs

All you need to know about _Eggs. Learn about the egg itself. what each part of an egg can do, and how we can use it in our cooking.